Specialist Services

Company Administration

Company legislation requires businesses to perform several administration tasks that take up a lot of valuable company time. The last thing you need as a business owner is to be stressed out trying to ensure you comply with the 1993 Companies Act. The potential threat of penalties for failing to keep up with the changing rules is too great a risk to take. At Collins & Co – Chartered Accountants Ltd we can relieve you of this burden.

Our services include:

  • General advice on company law
  • Company formations
  • Filing annual returns on your behalf
  • Preparing all documentation related to minutes and resolutions
  • Maintaining statutory books
  • Assistance with changes of directors, shareholders, addresses, and office details
  • Share transfers
  • Registered office facility

See how we can help you get back to running your business


Information Technology

We live in a computerised age where technology enables us to enhance a wide variety of business processes. Use software and hardware effectively can provide enormous benefit to your business.

Here at Collins & Co – Chartered Accountants Ltd we have embraced computerised systems, ensuring our trained, experienced professionals can:

  • Discuss the best system to further your business
  • Install and configure software to suit your purposes
  • Suggest accounting software applications suitable for your business
  • Train clients to be self-sufficient users of a range of software applications
  • Assist with system conversion


Estate Planning

As unpleasant as the task is, estate planning is one of the necessities of life. Knowing your hard-earned assets will be dealt with in the manner you choose provides peace of mind.

For business owners, a plan for succession of ownership is essential. We can guide you through the process of providing for business continuity.

The executor and trustee of a will is required to perform a number of duties. At Collins & Co – Chartered Accountants Ltd we are experienced in estate planning and can guarantee no deviation from the succession plan for your assets.


Selling a Business

Selling a business can be a difficult, disheartening time, and the tasks involved can seem particularly arduous. At Collins & Co – Chartered Accountants Ltd we remove the stress from the process.

The services we provide for preparing to sell a business include:

  • Obtaining comparative results
  • Establishing a realistic sale price
  • Taking the business to the market
  • Negotiating with potential purchasers
  • Drafting a contract

Obtain a maximum return for your business, speak to our experts today!


Succession Planning

To ensure the long-term success of your business, it is critical to establish a well-designed succession plan. Coordinating the transition of your business to your successors can be an arduous process. However, with our years of experience we can address the complex issues of business continuation, removing the stress from your shoulders.

See how we can help you with a hassle-free continuation of your business!



A trust provides a valuable way of protecting the assets you have accumulated for the benefit of others. Our extensive experience with trusts enables us to offer specialist advice on trust formation and ensures all statutory requirements are met. Obligations for trustees can often be onerous, and our assistance in trust administration can prove invaluable.

We can assist with:

  • Preparing and executing the vital documentation required for trust formation
  • Attending to the special requirements involved in reporting for trusts
  • Trust administration
  • Minute-keeping service
  • Annual accounts
  • Taxation
  • Asset management
  • Investment monitoring
  • Income distribution

Ensure your trust is formed and administered as effectively as possible, covering all legal requirements and guaranteed to fulfil its purpose!

Contact us today



Am I getting the best price for the sale of my business? Is the asking price too much? An independent valuation provides you with answers to the questions you often need to ask about the value of a business or property.

We are trained and experienced in business valuations and can provide you with simple guidelines and formulae to determine the value of your business or property.

Choose Collins & Co – Chartered Accountants Ltd for a professional, accurate valuation service!


Business Wind-down

Often businesses have life cycles and many businesses come to an end.

We can help you wind down the business structure so there are no on-going compliance obligations.

This may include:

  • Ceasing registrations for various tax types – GST, FBT, Employer and PAYE.
  • Dealing with residual assets and liabilities in the correct manner.
  • Ensuring any residual ACC obligations are addressed and ACC records closed.
  • Attending to final Financial Statements and Income Tax Returns.
  • In the case of companies, Shareholders and Directors resolutions to initiate removal from the Companies Register.
  • IRD tax clearance
  • Lodge appropriate documentation with the Companies Office for removal from the Register.
  • Notify IRD once company is removed so the IRD can close its files.


At Collins & Co – Chartered Accountants Ltd we understand the intricacies of the numerous relationships businesses develop with their stakeholder’s and the need for these to be addressed in an orderly wind-down. Often, there is just as much involved in winding down a business as there is starting it up.


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